Thursday, December 9, 2010

Real Men Don't Sparkle

The popularity of Stephanie Meyer’s “Twilight” saga has exploded all over the world. Fans of the books/movies are so passionate about the relationship between Meyer’s characters, Bella and Edward, that they are projecting their “Twilight” obsessions in their own relationships.

Husbands feel second best to the vampire, Edward Cullen. Ladies, who says chivalry is dead? Husbands are fighting vampires for their wives.

Blogger, colebenjamin, posts a few details of his marriage with his wife after she read "Twilight." She developed a fixation with glass, he said.

“ I realized A) she wasn’t ‘accidentally’ pricking her fingers on the pieces [of broken glass], B) watching your wife lick her own blood off her fingers is not at all sexy.” (colebenjamin, 2010).

She's not the only one spilling blood. Teens have taken to a new "biting trend."

"It's a way to belong to somebody and check their territory," high school sophomore Pao Hernandez (Hartenstein, 2010. NYDaily News).

Yeah, it's like the "new hickey."
However, the possessiveness of the act troubles parents. There are also worries of some serious skin infections.

“But we have to remember, any time there's a break in the skin, especially when you're talking about the human mouth, it's loaded with bacteria...You can set up for potentially some serious skin infections," said CBS Medical Correspondent Dr. Jennifer Ashton (Hartenstein, 2010).

All this biting seems a bit crazy. People do realize that vampires are dead right? I don't see what is sexy about necrophilia.

I'm advocating for all the husbands out there, the real guys who don't have to be perfect. Perfect would get annoying. You have to admit that. Edward is fiction, hate to break it to you but that's reality.

Real men don't sparkle!


  1. Kids are biting each other????? agh...I can't stand Twilight. so awful. Oh Jesus, free us....from all the insanity.

  2. haha i designed a PR campaign on this topic for my writing for mass media class. That's why it's kind of formal haha. but it's CRAZY tots fo sho
