Thursday, December 30, 2010

Let's go back

Let’s go back to the beginning
To before you said, “I love you.”
To before I said, “I don’t care.”
Let’s go back to the beginning.
Please won’t you meet me there?

Let’s go back to the railroad tracks,
To where we would lay our heads,
To when we just needed to talk.
Let’s go back to the railroad tracks.
Do you think it’s too far to walk?

Let's go back to those happy times,
To when we'd jump at the slightest noise
In case a train was right around the corner.
Let's go back to those happy times,
To when the air seemed warmer.

Let’s go back to those conversations,
To the ones that were so personal,
To the ones that were simply not.
Let’s go back to those conversations.
We both liked that place a lot.

Let’s go back to those words you said.
To “I love you.” What does that even mean?
To the moon and back? Forever after?
Let’s go back to those words you said,
Because I want to change my answer.

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