Thursday, January 6, 2011


I drum my fingers on the table,
It's my turn I do not feel able
To form the words I want to say.

My tiles await in a little row,
The quiet between us begins to grow,
But I don't know what words to play.

It's still my turn and he heaves a sigh,
I'm struggling for the reason why,
The same words run through my brain.

I'd gladly play the word "Adore,"
But to do it I'd need a tile more,
And my mind starts whirring again.

I thought the word "Tender" would do it,
And quite excitedly rushed into it,
Only to realize I had an "O" not an "E."

"Darling" would have worked quite well,
But when I looked at the board my face fell.
He made a move that I had yet to see.

My fingers twist fretfully in my lap,
As though I'm in some sort of trap,
As though I've been caught telling lies.

Then from nowhere pops the thought "I love you,"
But that's three words! What to do?
Now I could not look him in the eyes.

I feel a red blush bloom in my cheeks,
Seems like it's been my turn for weeks,
So I impatiently move into action.

"Can't" I lay out on the board,
And seven points I would have scored,
If he hadn't pointed out it was a contraction.

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